Lori Benedict, LPC

Lori Benedict is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICAADC) with over five years’ experience as a clinical therapist and 15+ years as an educator. Her education includes a B.S. in Elementary Education, an M.S. in Middle Grades Education, and an M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Lori also serves on the Debra Fileta Counselors Network offering faith based counseling through an online format. Lori has helped clients of all ages and in various modalities (individuals, couples, families, and groups) identify and reach their wellness goals. Her personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the catalyst for the compassion she feels for her clients and her deep desire to help them experience the peace, joy, and freedom that come through such a relationship. Whether her clients are seeking to better understand themselves and others or learn new and healthy ways to cope with past experiences and/or current problems, Lori believes that lasting change develops through a deepening of faith in the healing power of Jesus and the application of evidence-based clinical interventions. When she isn’t spending time with family or traveling, Lori can be found curled up with a good book or playing with her pit mix, Rosie.