
For the One also provides consulting for small businesses and churches to help bring understanding regarding the emotional/mental health, leadership, and spiritual needs of the team. This approach is tailored to the need of the client and/or situation. We provide focus groups, observation, and professional informative guidance regarding leadership and functionality of teams. This approach also includes focusing on the behaviors of employees within the workplace while applying psychological principles to help improve the overall work environment, performance, communication, and satisfaction. Let us help you lead!


For the One is unique in that we provide Christian coaching to the individual and/or group. This approach helps the individual to refocus and repurpose their efforts to align with biblical teaching and addressing any limiting beliefs and mental blocks that hold the client back. It provides a professional relationship on empowering a person or group to effect change, create new awareness, move into action and step into abundant Christian life in business and personal areas. This active approach includes text, workbooks, homework, and communication from your therapist.